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 Betreff des Beitrags: Partie 7
BeitragVerfasst: 10.02.2016 14:52 

Registriert: 01.11.2006 20:34
Beiträge: 5
Partien: test
Battle 7 between Jinxi and Hatschipuh
Last turn: 16
Winner: Hatschipuh

In Round 1:
Jinxi says "Auf geht's!"
Hatschipuh says "Der unsterbliche Hatschipuh ist wieder im Ring :-p"
Jinxi snaps the fingers of the left hand.
Jinxi wriggles the fingers of the right...
Hatschipuh proffers the palm of the left hand.
Hatschipuh waves the right...
Hatschipuh casts Shield at Hatschipuh.
A glimmering shield appears in front of Hatschipuh.

In Round 2:
Jinxi says "Unsterblich ist gut, aber unbesiegbar ist besser. :-P"
Jinxi proffers the palm of the left hand.
Jinxi wriggles the fingers of the right...
Hatschipuh snaps the fingers of the left hand.
Hatschipuh waves the right...
Jinxi casts Shield at Jinxi.
A glimmering shield appears in front of Jinxi.

In Round 3:
Jinxi wriggles the fingers of the left hand.
Jinxi wriggles the fingers of the right...
Hatschipuh wriggles the fingers of the left hand.
Hatschipuh snaps the fingers of the right...
Jinxi casts Paralysis at Hatschipuh.
Hatschipuh casts Counter Spell at Hatschipuh.
Hatschipuh is surrounded by a hazy glow...
Jinxi's Paralysis spell fizzles against Hatschipuh's hazy glow.

In Round 4:
Jinxi says "Wolltest Du auch mal wissen, wie das ist mit einem Oger?"
Hatschipuh says "Ich haenge etwas hinter her..."
Jinxi proffers the palm of the left hand.
Jinxi wriggles the fingers of the right...
Hatschipuh waves the left hand.
Hatschipuh points the digit of the right...
Jinxi casts Paralysis at Hatschipuh.
Jinxi casts Anti Spell at Hatschipuh.
Hatschipuh casts Magic Missile at Jinxi.
Hatschipuh casts Summon Goblin at Hatschipuh.
PinkGoblin springs into being and rushes at Jinxi.
Jinxi's Paralysis spell takes hold of Hatschipuh.
Hatschipuh loses the plot completely!
A Magic Missile zaps across the circle towards Jinxi!
There is a thunk as a Magic Missile hits Jinxi.
PinkGoblin strikes Jinxi!

In Round 5:
Jinxi says "Hab Dich! Verabschiede Dich mal von der rechten Hand...
Hatschipuh says "Huch, wo kommt der Ogre denn her? ;-p"
Jinxi snaps the fingers of the left hand.
Jinxi wriggles the fingers of the right...
Hatschipuh's Right Hand is paralyzed!
Luckily, Hatschipuh intended to repeat the gesture anyhow!
Hatschipuh waves the left hand.
Hatschipuh points the digit of the right...
Jinxi casts Paralysis at Hatschipuh.
It looks like Hatschipuh's right hand is going to be stuck again...
PinkGoblin strikes Jinxi!

In Round 6:
Hatschipuh says "So, mal wieder Zeit f=C3=BCr eine Geste... :-)"
Jinxi points the digit of the left hand.
Jinxi wriggles the fingers of the right...
Hatschipuh's Right Hand is paralyzed!
Hatschipuh waves the left hand.
Hatschipuh points the digit of the right...
Jinxi casts Paralysis at PinkGoblin.
Jinxi casts Magic Missile at Hatschipuh.
Jinxi's Paralysis spell takes hold of PinkGoblin.
A Magic Missile zaps across the circle towards Hatschipuh!
There is a thunk as a Magic Missile hits Hatschipuh.
PinkGoblin stands still!

In Round 7:
Hatschipuh says "Ah, der Fehler, okay."
Jinxi waves the left hand.
Jinxi wriggles the fingers of the right...
Hatschipuh proffers the palm of the left hand.
Hatschipuh snaps the fingers of the right...
Jinxi casts Paralysis at Hatschipuh.
Jinxi casts Permanency at Jinxi.
Hatschipuh casts Protection at Hatschipuh.
A solid, glimmering shield appears in front of Hatschipuh.
Jinxi's Paralysis spell takes hold of Hatschipuh.
Jinxi prepares to make a spell permanent!
A blue halo appears above Jinxi's head.
PinkGoblin strikes Jinxi!

In Round 8:
Jinxi says "Ich werd's =C3=BCberleben, denke ich. Und Du? :-P"
Jinxi wriggles the fingers of the left hand.
Jinxi wriggles the fingers of the right...
Hatschipuh's Right Hand is paralyzed!
Hatschipuh wriggles the fingers of the left hand.
Hatschipuh points the digit of the right...
Jinxi casts Paralysis at Hatschipuh.
Hatschipuh casts Magic Missile at Jinxi.
It looks like Hatschipuh's right hand is going to be stuck again...
A Magic Missile zaps across the circle towards Jinxi!
There is a thunk as a Magic Missile hits Jinxi.
PinkGoblin strikes Jinxi!

In Round 9:
Jinxi says "Ouch!"
Hatschipuh says "=DCberleben werde ich schon, aber meine Hand wird
langsam steif! ;-)"
Jinxi wriggles the fingers of the left hand.
Jinxi wriggles the fingers of the right...
Hatschipuh's Right Hand is paralyzed!
Hatschipuh points the digit of the left hand.
Hatschipuh points the digit of the right...
Jinxi casts Paralysis at Hatschipuh.
Jinxi's blue halo flares brightly as Jinxi casts Paralysis!
Hatschipuh casts Cause Heavy Wounds at Jinxi.
It looks like Hatschipuh's right hand is going to be stuck again...
Jinxi is hit, hard!
Jinxi grunts from the impact of the Heavy Wounds.
PinkGoblin strikes Jinxi!

In Round 10:
Jinxi says "Lass uns den Gobbo mal langsam loswerden, ok?"
Jinxi snaps the fingers of the left hand.
Jinxi wriggles the fingers of the right...
Hatschipuh's Right Hand is paralyzed!
Hatschipuh snaps the fingers of the left hand.
Hatschipuh points the digit of the right...
Jinxi casts Paralysis at PinkGoblin.
Jinxi's Paralysis spell takes hold of PinkGoblin.
PinkGoblin stands still!

In Round 11:
Jinxi waves the left hand.
Jinxi proffers the palm of the right...
Hatschipuh's Right Hand is paralyzed!
Hatschipuh wriggles the fingers of the left hand.
Hatschipuh points the digit of the right...
Jinxi casts Shield at Jinxi.
Hatschipuh casts Confusion at Jinxi.
All of a sudden, Jinxi starts to find things rather confusing...
A glimmering shield appears in front of Jinxi.
PinkGoblin is deflected by Jinxi's glimmering shield.

In Round 12:
Jinxi is very confused...
Jinxi gets a gesture all mixed up!
Jinxi points the digit of the left hand.
Jinxi waves the right...
Hatschipuh's Right Hand is paralyzed!
Hatschipuh waves the left hand.
Hatschipuh points the digit of the right...
Jinxi casts Fear at Hatschipuh.
Hatschipuh casts Summon Goblin at Hatschipuh.
BlueGoblin springs into being and rushes at Jinxi.
Suddenly, Hatschipuh starts to look very frightened!
PinkGoblin strikes Jinxi!
BlueGoblin strikes Jinxi!

In Round 13:
Jinxi says "Das wird spannend..."
Hatschipuh says "Meine Goblinarmee wird Dich uerberennen, hahahaa!"
Jinxi wriggles the fingers of the left hand.
Jinxi proffers the palm of the right...
Hatschipuh waves the left hand.
Hatschipuh points the digit of the right...
Jinxi casts Shield at Jinxi.
A glimmering shield appears in front of Jinxi.
PinkGoblin is deflected by Jinxi's glimmering shield.
BlueGoblin is deflected by Jinxi's glimmering shield.

In Round 14:
Jinxi says "Ich riskier hier mal was, statt aufzugeben..."
Jinxi proffers the palm of the left hand.
Jinxi snaps the fingers of the right...
Hatschipuh's Right Hand is paralyzed!
Hatschipuh proffers the palm of the left hand.
Hatschipuh points the digit of the right...
Jinxi casts Shield at Jinxi.
Hatschipuh casts Protection at Hatschipuh.
A solid, glimmering shield appears in front of Hatschipuh.
A glimmering shield appears in front of Jinxi.
PinkGoblin is deflected by Jinxi's glimmering shield.
BlueGoblin is deflected by Jinxi's glimmering shield.

In Round 15:
Jinxi snaps the fingers of the left hand.
Jinxi proffers the palm of the right...
Hatschipuh's Right Hand is paralyzed!
Hatschipuh wriggles the fingers of the left hand.
Hatschipuh points the digit of the right...
Jinxi casts Shield at Jinxi.
A glimmering shield appears in front of Jinxi.
PinkGoblin is deflected by Jinxi's glimmering shield.
BlueGoblin is deflected by Jinxi's glimmering shield.

In Round 16:
Jinxi says "Knifflig..."
Hatschipuh says "So langsam tut meine Hand weh... :-)"
Jinxi points the digit of the left hand.
Jinxi proffers the palm of the right...
Hatschipuh's Right Hand is paralyzed!
Hatschipuh points the digit of the left hand.
Hatschipuh points the digit of the right...
Jinxi casts Shield at Jinxi.
Jinxi casts Magic Missile at PinkGoblin.
Hatschipuh casts Cause Heavy Wounds at Jinxi.
A glimmering shield appears in front of Jinxi.
A Magic Missile zaps across the circle towards PinkGoblin!
Jinxi is hit, hard!
Jinxi grunts from the impact of the Heavy Wounds.
There is a thunk as a Magic Missile hits PinkGoblin.
PinkGoblin is deflected by Jinxi's glimmering shield.
BlueGoblin is deflected by Jinxi's glimmering shield.
PinkGoblin dies.
Hatschipuh defeated Jinxi outright!
Jinxi dies.

+Battle 7 between Jinxi and Hatschipuh
+    Hatschipuh                    :+    Jinxi                         : Wild
+ LH RH HP Spells  Owned Beasts    :+ LH RH HP Spells  Owned Beasts    : Beasts

+ P* W  15 S                       :+ S  F  15                         : 
+ S  W  15                         :+ P* F  15 S                       : 
+ F  S* 15 CS                      :+ F  F* 15 P                       : 
+ W* D* 15 SG MM   PG(1)           :+ P* F* 13 AS P                    : 
+ #  #  15         PG(1)           :+ .  .  13                         : 
+ W  D  15         PG(1)           :+ S  F* 12 P                       : 
+ W  D  14         PG(1)           :+ D* F* 12 MM P                    : 
+ P* S  14 P       PG(1)           :+ W* F* 11 P P                     : 
+ F  D* 14 MM      PG(1)           :+ F  F*  9 P                       : 
+ D* D  14 CHW     PG(1)           :+ F  F*  5 P                       : 
+ S  D  14         PG(1)           :+ S  F*  5 P                       : 
+ F* D  14 C       PG(1)           :+ W  P*  5 S                       : 
+ W* D  14 SG      PG(1) BG(1)     :+ D* W   3 F                       : 
+ W  D  14         PG(1) BG(1)     :+ F  P*  3 S                       : 
+ P* D  14 P       PG(1) BG(1)     :+ P* S   3 S                       : 
+ F  D  14         PG(1) BG(1)     :+ S  P*  3 S                       : 
+ D* D  14 CHW     BG(1)           :+ D* P*  0 MM S                    : 

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 Betreff des Beitrags: Re: Partie 7
BeitragVerfasst: 10.02.2016 15:08 

Registriert: 28.09.2011 18:33
Beiträge: 246
Wohnort: Bonn
Boah, das Cause Heavy Wounds am Ende habe ich absolut nicht kommen sehen. Wann ist das denn passiert?!? So ein Mist. ;-)

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 Betreff des Beitrags: Re: Partie 7
BeitragVerfasst: 10.02.2016 16:44 

Registriert: 18.02.2002 21:34
Beiträge: 4483
Wohnort: Hamburg
Ich hab mich die ganze Zeit gewundert, wieso Du nicht mit Counter o.ä. reagierst und echt gegrübelt, wo der Trick war!? Dachte Du wolltest mich mit FINGER OF DEATH killen, aber nichts passte zu einem Spell.

Naja, der Unbesiegbare Jinxi ist nun Asche... :devil2: Der Unsterbliche Hatschipuh freut sich bester Gesundheit... :zwinkern:

Steam-Profil: sun-e | Steam-Gruppe: pbem-spiele | G+ Seite | G+ Community
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Public PGP Key: 8A35 E947 7C53 D53D 92EF 8C55 4DE3 7F78 3031 A54C

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 Betreff des Beitrags: Re: Partie 7
BeitragVerfasst: 10.02.2016 19:22 

Registriert: 28.09.2011 18:33
Beiträge: 246
Wohnort: Bonn
Immerhin führe ich die Spieler-Rangliste und die der Toten Magier an.... :-)

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 Betreff des Beitrags: Re: Partie 7
BeitragVerfasst: 11.02.2016 21:14 

Registriert: 18.02.2002 21:34
Beiträge: 4483
Wohnort: Hamburg
Ja, am Elo muss ich noch arbeiten... :gruebel:

Steam-Profil: sun-e | Steam-Gruppe: pbem-spiele | G+ Seite | G+ Community
Demnächst startende Partien / Anmeldungsstände | Twitter
Public PGP Key: 8A35 E947 7C53 D53D 92EF 8C55 4DE3 7F78 3031 A54C

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