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 Betreff des Beitrags: AK-205, Südpol
BeitragVerfasst: 21.03.2013 22:42 

Registriert: 18.02.2002 21:34
Beiträge: 4483
Wohnort: Hamburg

wer treibt sich eher im Süden der Welt herum? Bevor man sich auf die Füsse tritt, vielleicht frühstmöglich absprechen. :umarm:

Hat wer Kontakt zu Spieler #5?

Steam-Profil: sun-e | Steam-Gruppe: pbem-spiele | G+ Seite | G+ Community
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Public PGP Key: 8A35 E947 7C53 D53D 92EF 8C55 4DE3 7F78 3031 A54C

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 Betreff des Beitrags: Re: AK-205, Südpol
BeitragVerfasst: 29.03.2013 15:10 

Registriert: 22.02.2004 18:26
Beiträge: 348
Wohnort: Wuppertal
So, wir 2 wissen ja nun, das wir Nachbarn sind. :)
Spieler 5 kontaktiere ich zeitnah und gucke mal, was das so bringt!
Wir sollten uns auf eine Grenze verständigen!


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 Betreff des Beitrags: Re: AK-205, Südpol
BeitragVerfasst: 29.03.2013 15:44 

Registriert: 18.02.2002 21:34
Beiträge: 4483
Wohnort: Hamburg
Der hat mir grundlos den Krieg erklärt als Antwort auf meine Friedensbotschaft. :shock3:

Steam-Profil: sun-e | Steam-Gruppe: pbem-spiele | G+ Seite | G+ Community
Demnächst startende Partien / Anmeldungsstände | Twitter
Public PGP Key: 8A35 E947 7C53 D53D 92EF 8C55 4DE3 7F78 3031 A54C

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 Betreff des Beitrags: Re: AK-205, Südpol
BeitragVerfasst: 29.03.2013 16:26 

Registriert: 22.02.2004 18:26
Beiträge: 348
Wohnort: Wuppertal
sun-e hat geschrieben:
Der hat mir grundlos den Krieg erklärt als Antwort auf meine Friedensbotschaft. :shock3:

Na dann weiss ich ja was ich von dem zu halten habe :roll:
Ich bin friedlich. Wenn du Hilfe brauchst: sag Bescheid!


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 Betreff des Beitrags: Re: AK-205, Südpol
BeitragVerfasst: 29.03.2013 16:30 

Registriert: 18.02.2002 21:34
Beiträge: 4483
Wohnort: Hamburg
Mir bleibt ja gar keine andere Wahl als vorzustossen. Wenn Du von Norden kommst, dürfte er schon Probleme kriegen.

Steam-Profil: sun-e | Steam-Gruppe: pbem-spiele | G+ Seite | G+ Community
Demnächst startende Partien / Anmeldungsstände | Twitter
Public PGP Key: 8A35 E947 7C53 D53D 92EF 8C55 4DE3 7F78 3031 A54C

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 Betreff des Beitrags: Re: AK-205, Südpol
BeitragVerfasst: 06.04.2013 15:40 

Registriert: 18.02.2002 21:34
Beiträge: 4483
Wohnort: Hamburg
Der Sack hat mich sofort in Phase 1 mit seiner Hauptarmee angegriffen und obwohl ich zuerst von seinem Zauber gelähmt wurde, habe ich ihn im Nahkampf getötet:

 With the advent of the spring season, Drakhul prepared to quench his
thirst for adventure.  His attempted cast of the Skeletal Army spell didn't

  Dvorak (#5)'s minions initiated a campaign of conquest in Buckingham, a
Plain province owing allegiance to Drakhul.  Dvorak commanded the attacking
armies.  The defenders were led by Drakhul.  The armies were drawn up into
lines of battle as shown here:

  ATTACKING ARMY, Battle of Buckingham (1207):

   66th     176th     189th     190th   
 Chariots   Legion    Axemen    Axemen 
 èèè05èèè  ííí05ííí  ¯¯¯05¯¯¯  ¯¯¯05¯¯¯
  67th/V   175th/C   155th/V    65th/V 
  Legion    Legion    Axemen    Legion 
 ííí05ííí  ííí05ííí  ¯¯¯05¯¯¯  ííí05ííí
 ððð01ððð  ððð01ððð  ððð01ððð  ååå01ååå
 168th/C   121st/AS  123rd/A   120th/AS
 Phalanx   Phalanx   Phalanx    Weres   

  Standing at the ready with his warriors was Dvorak.  Drakhul commanded a
host of loyal soldiers into the battle.
  The Skeletal Armies led by Drakhul marched into battle with a fanatical
fervor.  Drakhul strode forward and challenged Dvorak to honorable combat. 
Dvorak accepted the invitation to honorable combat.  Raising his hands high
in the air, he cast a Psychic Blast spell, projecting psychic waves of
stunning force towards Drakhul.  Stunned, Drakhul could only shake his head
in bewilderment.
  Dvorak moved to bow range.  Drakhul stood stunned, unable to regain his
senses.  Dvorak took aim and fired an arrow at Drakhul but his arrow whiffed
through the air.  Drakhul's head cleared and Drakhul once again readied for
battle.  He shot a hard arrow at Dvorak but his aim was slightly off the
mark.  With unwavering strength, Drakhul readied an arrow and fired it at
Dvorak and damaged him, inflicting 3 damage points.
  Dvorak closed to melee range, filled with blood-lust.  With amazing speed,
Drakhul immediately thrust at Dvorak and would have struck him if Dvorak
hadn't sidestepped just then.  Dvorak then swang at Drakhul and walloped him
with 3 damage points.
  Drakhul audaciously swang at Dvorak and inflicted 7 damage points.  Dvorak
fell, mortally injured.  Thus did Dvorak die, a defiant death by any
  The forces commanded by Dvorak were disheartened by his death, but still
they moved ahead with some hope of victory.  As luck would have it, the
acting commander's formations were partially concealed by some rocks, giving
them a slight edge.  As the desperate battle developed, the tactical wit of
Drakhul and the acting commander appeared to be evenly matched.

  On the right flank, the Veteran 67th Legion faced the Crack 168th Phalanx.
The 66th Chariots outflanked the undermanned enemy lines and attacked with
full strength.  The clumsy formation of the 168th Phalanx was severely
shaken by the maneuverable Legionnaires.  In this sector, a few of the men
of the 67th Legion fell to plundering before the contest had been decided,
which weakened their numbers slightly.  The 67th Legion fought with the
168th Phalanx and were slowly bent back by their attack.
  In the interior front, the Crack 175th Legion were arrayed against the
121st Skeletal Phalanx.  The clumsy mass of the 121st Skeletal Phalanx was
severely tested by the maneuverable Legionnaires.  In this engagement, the
121st Skeletal Phalanx were slow to join battle, but when a brave little
squire picked up a dagger and said "You cowards, I'll show you how to
fight!"  , they were so ashamed that they determinedly charged into battle. 
The 175th Legion fought the 121st Skeletal Phalanx and neither army could
gain an advantage over the other.
  Within the interior front, the Veteran 155th Axemen were arrayed against
the 123rd Phalanx, who were overflown by the Circle of Wraiths, who goaded
them into rabid fanatical battle-lust with their terrible moaning.  In this
area, the 123rd Phalanx fired off an attack before the enemy had fully
deployed.  These attacks staggered them with severe damage.  The 155th
Axemen fought with the 123rd Phalanx and was forced to retreat in disorder.
  On the left flank, the Veteran 65th Legion faced the 120th Skeletal
Were-Beasts.  On this field, the 120th Skeletal Were-Beasts were slightly
disrupted by a slippery patch of ground and they joined battle at a tiny
disadvantage.  The 65th Legion battled the 120th Skeletal Were-Beasts and
the fighting here was indecisive.
  The host of Drakhul broke the army of Dvorak's fighting spirit with one
last push.  The 168th Phalanx annihilated the 67th Legion.  The 123rd
Phalanx demolished the 155th Axemen.
  The acting commander's armies were beaten and pushed out of Buckingham. 
The acting commander made for Warghaven with its motley army.
  Windy spring blossomed into a fragrant early summer.  Drakhul could not
cast a Plague spell because Drakhul had already cast his allowed number of
Necromancy spells.  So, he worked on his Tactics but was thwarted in his
self-improvement efforts.

Wer sich ebenfalls am Südpol befindet: Wir sollten die Provinzen vom 5er einmal kurzerhand annektieren. Ich habe schon einmal angefangen und in Phase 2 eine Provinz von ihm sogleich kampflos eingenommen, da er keine Garrisonen aufgestellt hat. Nun stehe ich mitten in seinem Reich und habe freie Hand wie es scheint.

Das geschieht dem Kerl Recht! :zwinkern:

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Public PGP Key: 8A35 E947 7C53 D53D 92EF 8C55 4DE3 7F78 3031 A54C

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