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give to-who item [qty] [have-left]
* time: 0 days
* priority: 1

Give quantity of an item in inventory to another noble. Specifying zero for quantity will cause the unit to give all of its inventory of the item. An amount specified by have-left will be retained.

For example, if Feasel has 100 gold [1]:

give 5499 1 50          #  Give 50 gold to [5499]
give 5499 1 0           #  Give all 100 gold to [5499]
give 5499 1 100         #  Give all 100 gold to [5499]
give 5499 1 100 25      #  Give 75 gold to [5499]
give 5499 1 0 25        #  Give 75 gold to [5499]

Prisoners may also be transferred with the give order.

give 5499 4569          #  Give prisoner [4569] to [5499]

If you give something to a noble from another faction, that noble must use the accept command or the gift will be refused. See accept.

In some games, players may put gold into their claim. To do this, have your noble give the gold to your faction id. For example, if you are faction [x8x], then

> give x8x 1 100

There is a 10% fee collected when placing gold into claim, so in this case the actual deposit would only be 90 gold.